Friday, June 7, 2013


Claudine Suzor 5/6/2013

Ah you poor luv Abundance has been coming at you hard and fast but for all the wrong reasons - well at least it seems. You put your hand up and said give it to me, and boy have you had a lot thrown at you. While it may seem like life has not been kind to you, you are in fact clearing an abundance of karma, an abundance of life lessons in a short space of time.

You have asked for it to be this way because of your ultimate goal, to be a teacher, a healer, a mentor and a life coach. How on earth could you help people if you have not experienced it first hand? You can read all the books, do all the study, learn all the courses, but it would be only skin deep. Your life lessons while hard and fast and at times overwhelming, are all giving you pieces of the puzzle, giving you all the tools you need to connect with your clients, loved ones, friends, and random strangers who come to you for guidance. You will be able to heal them on such a deep level due to the abundance of life lessons you have encountered in your time here.

TRANSFORMATION - You are in a state of rapid change and transmutation. It can at times feel overwhelming, mind boggling, challenging and all round too bloody hard! But don't give up, the light is just around the corner. You may feel like you are in the quicksand at this present moment, but you are clearing out the old and preparing for your emergence from the cocoon. You will step out on to solid ground and be quite amazed at the grace and ease with which your life begins to play out. This time is coming, but it is not quite yet. Write a list of the things you are willing to let go of in order to get what you want. Would you give up smoking for perfect health? Would you give up self doubt for success? Would you give up self loathing for the man of your dreams? Work out what it is you ARE willing to let go of, good and bad, to help lighten the load and make this transformation easier on yourself.

Don't focus on the lack, or what you don't want to change/let go of, and allow yourself the freedom of change, because it is happening whether you like it or not. STAR CHILD what blossoms out of the cocoon is your authentic self, that divine part of you born of the stars. When you have become clear and light and free from the past, what awaits you is YOU. Your higher self is sitting there with all the knowledge and goodies you have always dreamed of, you won’t need someone else to get the information for you, you will be crystal clear to gain the codes and wisdoms of your higher being and draw it down into yourself and anchor these new higher frequencies into the earth. You are a child of the stars, this is why you have not felt like you belonged.

You are much more than your earthly existence, so let go, allow flow, and trust that your family is with you to guide you, encourage you, and assist you should you ever ask their help - and remember to ask!
wow wow wow I love it, when I read that I'm a star child a little tear of joy ran down my cheek. This has given me hope n Light. Bless you Starina Nightsky Thank you Thank you Thank you.

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