Friday, June 14, 2013



I want to tell you about a healing I did on myself, I would have to say, it’s the first one I have ever done using the Sacred Symbols, and boy was it a big one. I had been asking to be shown Divine Creation for a few days now, I had a vague idea of how it looked, it was similar to a painting I had channelled for myself a few years ago. At this time I had just finished the flyers for the Sacred Symbols Workshops, they were at the printers, and before I even had them in my hands I felt like a failure. I had the biggest aching in my heart, feelings of unworthiness, self doubt, and just the total opposite of all the high I had felt throughout the channelling process.
I had many chats with my husband about how I was feeling and how bad it was, I hadn’t even got the flyers yet, and yet I felt like I had already failed. It was very intense and not very logical. A few days earlier Pete had done a healing on himself and I was the reason for his pain, it really surprised him as I have never come up in one of his healings before as being the ‘bad guy.’ As soon as he told me this I remembered thinking I bet something comes up for me now where he hurt me, and sure enough it did. In my lil flyer meltdown phase Pete did a healing on me and he had shot me with an arrow through the heart.

The morning after the healing I burst out crying and begged him not to go to work. I knew I had to do a healing on myself, just like he had had to do the healing on himself to get better.
After much procrastination and tinkering on the computer I finally went into the healing room and sat down to heal myself. Part of my blockage is around ‘I can heal myself’ so it was a bit of a big deal and I didn’t really know how to start. I ended up using some crystals like Bismuth and other space rocks along with some quartz sacred geometry pieces. I ended up using the whole deck of geometries, so that was 8 in total, plus I gave intent to use Divine Creation, even though I hadn’t drawn it yet.
I recorded it onto Dictaphone so I could listen to it in case I drifted off etc, but it was more about setting up a healing grid, with intention, and then allowing the healing to happen.

I went through each card and activated it, placed it where it wanted to go but also giving intent that it would also activate the other chakras. I stated my intent to raise my confidence and self esteem, release all fears and feelings of unworthiness, to bring in the rest of the geometries and information with speed and confidence, and asked to cut cords to any negative old patterning concerning how I viewed myself and my limitations. I also ask that I release any fears and blocks connected with bringing through Divine Creation as it has triggered me quite a lot.
I remember picking the first card then the second and then feeling like I would pick them all and then work in reverse. I chose an underlying energy of Universal Protection, then Space Clearing, DNA Activation, Abundance, I ask that Divine Creation also be included, Transformation, Reincarnation, Contact, and then Star Child.
In my grid of crystals I also have a pendant of Ra and I ask to bring in the energy of the Sun, the energy of joy, the energy of empowerment, creation, divinity, warmth, protection,  all those things I just was not feeling in that moment. I ask Ra to ‘please assist me to feel strong at this time, so that I can complete the work I am doing.’
The first card I worked with was Star Child and it was huge it entered my head via my 3rd eye and sat in my Pineal Gland, with the central column going up and out my Crown Chakra and the top star connecting with my Soul Star Chakra. Each of the large stars spun round like pinwheels fireworks. The clear channel of energy needed to be between these two points. I ask to clear away any old programming, and to download more of my divine self, more of my galactic self, more of my divine essence, more of who I really came here to be. I do some toning to release some blocked energy in my throat.
Next I activate Contact and it descends down from heaven, extremely large and I’m doing big yawns releasing. It comes over the top of me and I get sucked upwards, this hasn’t happened before to me in a healing. We go through a big wormhole and I feel like I am being taken home. I’m being shown buildings, I haven't seen anything but space when going through the Contact wormholes. I have tears in my eyes, I feel like I have a direct link to get home when I need to. I see some beings, like Pray mantis beings but more like Ants. They are up on hind legs, touching their arms together, it looks almost like they are sparring. As they are making this movement with their arms I get the impression some ancient records are being released to me, like out of a ‘rock’, out of one of the ‘building blocks’ I saw when I first came through the wormhole. I give intent that Contact continue its work while I move on to activating the next symbol.
I activate Reincarnation and it comes straight into my Throat Chakra and is spinning sideways like a buzz saw, it is spinning anti-clockwise. It then sways on its axis a bit like a fair ride at an amusement park. I use it to cut through a very thick cord of energy I can see going all the way up through my throat. I give intent to release this energy that is hindering me from creating, from believing, from speaking, from storytelling, from connecting, from expressing all that I need to in this moment. I release and surrender. I give intent that Reincarnation continue to work on me while I move on to the next symbol.
I activate the symbol of Transformation and it comes up from the Earth, up through my feet. It is spinning anti-clockwise and I am standing in the centre of it, and it raises up around my body heading up to wards the heavens and back down again. I ask that it work on all of my chakras and help to release anything that is stopping me from expressing myself fully at this time.
I then activate the energy Abundance, and am surprised to find a huge resides in my heart. It’s so big and its beams stretch out in all directions, my heart is the epicentre of the symbol and just seeing this makes me want to burst out crying – because ‘I AM Abundant, I have an Abundance of love in my heart, I AM Abundant in every moment, I have an abundance of everything I need at this time, I AM Abundant.’
I activate DNA Activation and it comes straight at me from the front, and I’m walking straight into it. I am standing inside the capsule and there is a vibration going on around me and the arms begin to turn and the coils begin to spin around. I give intent that it is removing any old programming that is holding me in the past, present or future. I also ask that when it is finished releasing, that I am then infused with any new DNA, and any new energy frequencies I may need in order to bring through the rest of the symbols.
Before I can say anything else I see the Space Clearing symbol come in, it comes in from Source and begins working its way down through all the chakras.  The black symbol is spinning anti-clockwise, while the circular discs of the flower of life design are spinning clockwise. We are working multi-dimensionally. I give intent that when it is ready it will begin to spin in a clockwise direction to create the space that I need to move on.
I ask that Universal Protection come up from the Earth, starting with the 5 pointed star, then the 2 3 pointed symbols, and followed by the octagon with the 8 circles. They head up anti-clockwise and come back down clockwise. I get huge rushes of energy as this happens. I ask that it help to cleanse and clear my body and aura, to help me feel connected to Source and grounded by the Earth, connected to my Guides, connected to my Galactic Healing Team, knowing I am fully grounded and protected in each and every moment.
I now ask that when I lay down to rest, that the symbols continue to work on me for as long as needed. And that when the healing is complete, that I am fully grounded and protected, and that all gateways, doorways, portals, and wormholes are shut and sealed off until such a time as I wish to open them again. I then disconnect from the healing and give intent that my healing team will continue its work while I lay down to rest.
I left the room and lay down in bed with my smoky quartz I had been using during the healing, and I placed it on my heart. I gave a huge amount of thanks for the help during the healing and gave intent that the symbols would now begin their work on me, and off I went.
When I came to, I was repeating the ‘dream’ over and over in my head, making sure I remembered the details as I felt like it was very significant. I must have repeated it to myself 5 times before especially the words ‘he speaks’ so I wouldn’t forget to look it up on the internet.
In the ‘dream’ I hear my voice and the voice of a man coming from a room up ahead, it sounds like me having a channelling session, like it’s a recording being played, and I think oh my Dad must be listening to it.

When I enter the bright white room, the light is on, and there is nobody in the room, there's just a desk with a phone on it. I remember the man’s voice speaking and me replying ‘yes that’s what I have been doing.’

I remember thinking my Dad (Father) must have left the light on, and at some point I look at a computer screen and I see the words ‘he speaks’ written on it several times, like websites there are several references to ‘he speaks’ and I make the connection that they are connected to this guy that I am hearing talking to me in the audio.
I come out of the dream and I lay in bed repeating the details over and over to myself, especially the words ‘he speaks’ as it just felt really important, I slowly get up and think wow that was a good sleep, I hope all the healing kicked in. It’s about 5.30pm so I need to start thinking about dinner.

Hubby heads to the shops and I decide to Google the websites I saw and both turn up with nothing. So I Google the words ‘he speaks’ and all the pages that come up are references to speaking with God. 
I didn’t mention anything about the ‘dream’ to hubby, and it’s not till he is at the shops, after I have gone over all the details in my head again, that I text Peter and say ‘ummm btw I think I just spoke to God!’

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