Friday, June 14, 2013



Place the Transformation symbol down in front of you and work with your imagination (3rd eye) to imagine it spinning anticlockwise like a ninja star. With your eyes opened or closed, move the symbol into the space you are clearing and imagine it spinning from the floor to the ceiling in the corner of the room. (You may like to repeat in your head “floor to ceiling, floor to ceiling” as you move it up and down). Move the symbol to another corner and again allow the symbol to spin from the floor to the ceiling.
Do all four corners of the room in this way, including any cupboards or shelving space. If you are clearing an entire house or workplace do each room including the toilets, store rooms, cupboards etc, everything that is on the inside of the building, room by room. If doing a single room, then go on to step two. If clearing a whole house or business, once you have done all the space inside the building, you want to then do everything around it, above it and below it. Start by imagining the symbol spinning anticlockwise on the outside of the wall you are facing and continue to spin it around the entire perimeter of the building until you are back to the wall you started at.
Then do the space underneath the building, going through the floor into the earth and doing the entire space underneath the dwelling. If you have a pole-home, or have a garage underneath the house or a second story, be sure to clear the whole of that area and then cleanse the earth under the building. To finish this step you then want to do all the space above the building, so imagine the symbol spinning in the space. You can visualise the symbol as big or as small as you like obviously the larger the symbol, the more space it will clear at once. Now you are ready for step two.


Place the Space Clear symbol in front of you and imagine all the purple spheres inside the cube beginning to spin around and starting to move. This symbol works a bit like a vacuum cleaner, so visualise the big cube coming into the house or building and sucking up any residue left behind in each room.
To save time, imagine the symbol large so it does the whole room in one go. Do each room, then visualise it doing all the space around the outside perimeter, then under, then over the building. Now that you have used Transformation to change the energy and cut away any stagnation, entities, negative energies etc, use Space Clear to suck it all up and transmute it. Then it’s time to lay down a protective energy to keep your space harmonious.

Place the Universal Protection symbol in front of you and ask (and visualise) that beautiful golden/white light of Source to come down and around the outside of the room or building you have just cleared. Imagine this beautiful brilliant golden/white light coming down in big bands of energy a bit like ribbons and see it encircle the outside of the building, completely encasing it in the light of Source.
Imagine it like a cocoon of golden/white light wrapped around the outside with no gaps for anything to penetrate. Then ask that the Universal Symbols of Protection come down (the ones in the image above) and see the eight pointed star, then the six pointed star, then the five pointed star come down from Source (above) and lock into place around the outside of the golden cocoon. Know that your space is now cleared and protected.


This is a great technique to use if you have entities in the house, negative energy at work, or have to work out of a space that has a lot of energetic traffic. I use this before every healing or reading I do. I use it at every workshop before we start the day, especially if I have hired a hall to work out of. If my kids are having nightmares or seem irritable, I will do it on the whole house to make sure there’s nothing hanging around.


A Bit About the Journey

I have been channelling holograms since journeying to Egypt in 2007. I became extremely sick whilst in Egypt, and I believe this was the beginning of a huge detoxification of my physical body and also my lifestyle. When we returned to Perth I began feeling this overwhelming urge to draw and paint, I had not ever studied art so I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing a lot of the time, but this feeling was overwhelming, and what I drew did not come from my thoughts or from my own consciousness. I realised I had the ability to draw peoples energy signatures and that these symbols had a profound ability to heal the body of that individual.

Over the years my styles changed as I did, and changed from individual peoples signatures, to energetic frequencies of light that I tapped into and then drew, this got me very excited about what the future held for these artworks I LOVED drawing. I had always wanted to do a card deck and knew when the time was right I would get the go ahead, and in 2011 on 11/11/11 I got the message it was time, that 2012 was the year that these new higher dimensional frequencies would be birthed.

I began tuning into these Sacred Symbols in December 2011, with much of the information coming through while I was out walking, while sleeping or meditating. I was told that we should focus on clearing the Chakras, that they are an extension of the Soul, and that all physical healing is connected and controlled through these energy centres. I was told that even when the physical body has died, the information stored within the Chakras and the Soul continues on. So it is for this reason that during this workshop we will work on imprinting the Level 1 Sacred Geometry into the head and each Chakra (down the spine) and into the Earth, purging the old stagnant energies, and infusing new higher dimensional frequencies at the same time.

I have found this new healing system to be quick, simple and very affective to use. It works multi-dimensionally, and introducing the Sacred Symbols of the Stars magnifies the healing energies tenfold. Just as crystals work as an amplifier for energy, these Templates work in a similar way. They affect not only your physical body and Chakras, but also your energy field, and then ripple out into the Universal Consciousness, and thus affect everyone around you. The Sacred Symbols of the Stars are holographic in nature, and I have created a 2 dimensional drawing of light and sound frequencies that are actually multidimensional.

Each of the 12 gateways act like initiation points. Will you step through with a sense of adventure and fun, and tackle what faces you on the other side, or will you step through with fear and a resistance to change? The choice is yours, and either way, you will still experience a healing. I can tell you that each time you work with these magical symbols you will have a different experience to the last. They have a consciousness of their own and will guide you where to go and what to do.

Don’t be fooled by the pretty colours and simple shapes and lines, these galactic energies these geometries connect you to are of a very high frequency, and cut right through to the source of the wounding you are working on.

What if I told you the Sacred Symbols of the Stars can help you clear your karma? That they can activate dormant strands of your DNA, cleanse and expand your Pineal Gland, and take you on journeys into your past lives. Would that excite you? Well all of that and much much more is achievable. It’s entirely guided by you and how far down the rabbit hole you go.

Each of us who raises our own vibration creates a knock on affect to others. You will notice after working with these energies that you begin to trigger those around you too, and it may not necessarily be in a positive way. My son once told me (in eutro) “Those who shine the brightest light, cast the darkest shadows.” Some people may be inspired and uplifted by the changes in you, seeking your advice and healing, and this is wonderful. But the opposite is unfortunately more common, as others may chose to step into jealousy and denial of their own innate gifts and talents. They may begin to project negative energy at you and please know this is all perfect as they are bringing issues to the surface for you to observe and heal.

Friendships and relationships may fall away, or simply change. Let go with grace and ease and try not to go into blame or anger. As your vibration spins faster, those more dense and heavy energies (and people) will be flung away from you so that you can continue to exist at a higher level. All is as it should be, but it is not necessarily an easy experience to go through. Sometimes in order to enhance and enlighten our everyday experiences we must first lose the things that take up a lot of our time and energy and weigh us down energetically.

We have asked that your Guides, my Guides, the Angels, the Elementals, Mother Gaia, and the Cosmic Counsels of Light be present throughout this workshop. If you haven’t experienced galactic energies before, hold on to your hats! Just know there is absolutely nothing to fear, as we only ever invite in that which is for our highest good.

I wish you all an amazing journey of self discovery and healing, and know that I am always here if you need me. I was taken on a rollercoaster ride in 2012 and this workshop is the culmination of all my hard work and lessons learned. I am now a changed person, I am lighter and happier than I can ever remember being, and I am sitting looking out at a magnificent view that is my life. I wish all this and more for each of you, and it is all possible if you put in the work, use the symbols, clear your past wounding, stay grounded and don’t give up.

You are loved and supported more than you could ever possibly imagine. With this knowing, I wish you all a safe and humorous trip through your wounding into healing.

With love & Stardust, Starina



I want to tell you about a healing I did on myself, I would have to say, it’s the first one I have ever done using the Sacred Symbols, and boy was it a big one. I had been asking to be shown Divine Creation for a few days now, I had a vague idea of how it looked, it was similar to a painting I had channelled for myself a few years ago. At this time I had just finished the flyers for the Sacred Symbols Workshops, they were at the printers, and before I even had them in my hands I felt like a failure. I had the biggest aching in my heart, feelings of unworthiness, self doubt, and just the total opposite of all the high I had felt throughout the channelling process.
I had many chats with my husband about how I was feeling and how bad it was, I hadn’t even got the flyers yet, and yet I felt like I had already failed. It was very intense and not very logical. A few days earlier Pete had done a healing on himself and I was the reason for his pain, it really surprised him as I have never come up in one of his healings before as being the ‘bad guy.’ As soon as he told me this I remembered thinking I bet something comes up for me now where he hurt me, and sure enough it did. In my lil flyer meltdown phase Pete did a healing on me and he had shot me with an arrow through the heart.

The morning after the healing I burst out crying and begged him not to go to work. I knew I had to do a healing on myself, just like he had had to do the healing on himself to get better.
After much procrastination and tinkering on the computer I finally went into the healing room and sat down to heal myself. Part of my blockage is around ‘I can heal myself’ so it was a bit of a big deal and I didn’t really know how to start. I ended up using some crystals like Bismuth and other space rocks along with some quartz sacred geometry pieces. I ended up using the whole deck of geometries, so that was 8 in total, plus I gave intent to use Divine Creation, even though I hadn’t drawn it yet.
I recorded it onto Dictaphone so I could listen to it in case I drifted off etc, but it was more about setting up a healing grid, with intention, and then allowing the healing to happen.

I went through each card and activated it, placed it where it wanted to go but also giving intent that it would also activate the other chakras. I stated my intent to raise my confidence and self esteem, release all fears and feelings of unworthiness, to bring in the rest of the geometries and information with speed and confidence, and asked to cut cords to any negative old patterning concerning how I viewed myself and my limitations. I also ask that I release any fears and blocks connected with bringing through Divine Creation as it has triggered me quite a lot.
I remember picking the first card then the second and then feeling like I would pick them all and then work in reverse. I chose an underlying energy of Universal Protection, then Space Clearing, DNA Activation, Abundance, I ask that Divine Creation also be included, Transformation, Reincarnation, Contact, and then Star Child.
In my grid of crystals I also have a pendant of Ra and I ask to bring in the energy of the Sun, the energy of joy, the energy of empowerment, creation, divinity, warmth, protection,  all those things I just was not feeling in that moment. I ask Ra to ‘please assist me to feel strong at this time, so that I can complete the work I am doing.’
The first card I worked with was Star Child and it was huge it entered my head via my 3rd eye and sat in my Pineal Gland, with the central column going up and out my Crown Chakra and the top star connecting with my Soul Star Chakra. Each of the large stars spun round like pinwheels fireworks. The clear channel of energy needed to be between these two points. I ask to clear away any old programming, and to download more of my divine self, more of my galactic self, more of my divine essence, more of who I really came here to be. I do some toning to release some blocked energy in my throat.
Next I activate Contact and it descends down from heaven, extremely large and I’m doing big yawns releasing. It comes over the top of me and I get sucked upwards, this hasn’t happened before to me in a healing. We go through a big wormhole and I feel like I am being taken home. I’m being shown buildings, I haven't seen anything but space when going through the Contact wormholes. I have tears in my eyes, I feel like I have a direct link to get home when I need to. I see some beings, like Pray mantis beings but more like Ants. They are up on hind legs, touching their arms together, it looks almost like they are sparring. As they are making this movement with their arms I get the impression some ancient records are being released to me, like out of a ‘rock’, out of one of the ‘building blocks’ I saw when I first came through the wormhole. I give intent that Contact continue its work while I move on to activating the next symbol.
I activate Reincarnation and it comes straight into my Throat Chakra and is spinning sideways like a buzz saw, it is spinning anti-clockwise. It then sways on its axis a bit like a fair ride at an amusement park. I use it to cut through a very thick cord of energy I can see going all the way up through my throat. I give intent to release this energy that is hindering me from creating, from believing, from speaking, from storytelling, from connecting, from expressing all that I need to in this moment. I release and surrender. I give intent that Reincarnation continue to work on me while I move on to the next symbol.
I activate the symbol of Transformation and it comes up from the Earth, up through my feet. It is spinning anti-clockwise and I am standing in the centre of it, and it raises up around my body heading up to wards the heavens and back down again. I ask that it work on all of my chakras and help to release anything that is stopping me from expressing myself fully at this time.
I then activate the energy Abundance, and am surprised to find a huge resides in my heart. It’s so big and its beams stretch out in all directions, my heart is the epicentre of the symbol and just seeing this makes me want to burst out crying – because ‘I AM Abundant, I have an Abundance of love in my heart, I AM Abundant in every moment, I have an abundance of everything I need at this time, I AM Abundant.’
I activate DNA Activation and it comes straight at me from the front, and I’m walking straight into it. I am standing inside the capsule and there is a vibration going on around me and the arms begin to turn and the coils begin to spin around. I give intent that it is removing any old programming that is holding me in the past, present or future. I also ask that when it is finished releasing, that I am then infused with any new DNA, and any new energy frequencies I may need in order to bring through the rest of the symbols.
Before I can say anything else I see the Space Clearing symbol come in, it comes in from Source and begins working its way down through all the chakras.  The black symbol is spinning anti-clockwise, while the circular discs of the flower of life design are spinning clockwise. We are working multi-dimensionally. I give intent that when it is ready it will begin to spin in a clockwise direction to create the space that I need to move on.
I ask that Universal Protection come up from the Earth, starting with the 5 pointed star, then the 2 3 pointed symbols, and followed by the octagon with the 8 circles. They head up anti-clockwise and come back down clockwise. I get huge rushes of energy as this happens. I ask that it help to cleanse and clear my body and aura, to help me feel connected to Source and grounded by the Earth, connected to my Guides, connected to my Galactic Healing Team, knowing I am fully grounded and protected in each and every moment.
I now ask that when I lay down to rest, that the symbols continue to work on me for as long as needed. And that when the healing is complete, that I am fully grounded and protected, and that all gateways, doorways, portals, and wormholes are shut and sealed off until such a time as I wish to open them again. I then disconnect from the healing and give intent that my healing team will continue its work while I lay down to rest.
I left the room and lay down in bed with my smoky quartz I had been using during the healing, and I placed it on my heart. I gave a huge amount of thanks for the help during the healing and gave intent that the symbols would now begin their work on me, and off I went.
When I came to, I was repeating the ‘dream’ over and over in my head, making sure I remembered the details as I felt like it was very significant. I must have repeated it to myself 5 times before especially the words ‘he speaks’ so I wouldn’t forget to look it up on the internet.
In the ‘dream’ I hear my voice and the voice of a man coming from a room up ahead, it sounds like me having a channelling session, like it’s a recording being played, and I think oh my Dad must be listening to it.

When I enter the bright white room, the light is on, and there is nobody in the room, there's just a desk with a phone on it. I remember the man’s voice speaking and me replying ‘yes that’s what I have been doing.’

I remember thinking my Dad (Father) must have left the light on, and at some point I look at a computer screen and I see the words ‘he speaks’ written on it several times, like websites there are several references to ‘he speaks’ and I make the connection that they are connected to this guy that I am hearing talking to me in the audio.
I come out of the dream and I lay in bed repeating the details over and over to myself, especially the words ‘he speaks’ as it just felt really important, I slowly get up and think wow that was a good sleep, I hope all the healing kicked in. It’s about 5.30pm so I need to start thinking about dinner.

Hubby heads to the shops and I decide to Google the websites I saw and both turn up with nothing. So I Google the words ‘he speaks’ and all the pages that come up are references to speaking with God. 
I didn’t mention anything about the ‘dream’ to hubby, and it’s not till he is at the shops, after I have gone over all the details in my head again, that I text Peter and say ‘ummm btw I think I just spoke to God!’



Well just about everything is on the move for you right now. It feels like 2013 has been a big year of change, movement, change, movement, all testing your levels of flexibility to the max. And just when you think things have settled down they go and change again or you change and something no longer fits.

This is going to continue to be a big year of change for you, do you have a holiday coming up to Europe? A boats cruise? or is this a dream of yours? coz you should go get yourself on that boat! You really should make the most of what this year has to offer. Be daring, say yes! go out and live a little, try new things, walk on the wild side instead of being so careful all the time.

This is the year to try new things, change, let go and transform, and next year will settle down and be more about integrating all the shifts and changes you have had this year and last. Not long now till the year is out so think of what exciting new plans you can put on the calendar and then go for it!

Transformation! Yes yes yes. This is the year for change for me and my journey! Not sure about the boat as I boats don't mix (extreme sickness) however, a holiday would be lovely. What resonates with me is the movement, then change, then movement. Shifts and changes. Finding my feet I like to call it. Xoxoxo much love to you Namaste


Lanna Sutherland

What are you afraid of? not being loved, not being accepted as you truly are, not being enough? it’s time to let go of these fears and start living!!!

Don't hold yourself back from shining bright as a star in the nights sky, just because it casts darkness on another.

Don't hold back from being the best version of you just because it might make someone else not feel good enough. It’s time to shine! Universal Protection is all about connecting to your Guides, your healing team, the Angels and beings of light who are with you to assist you at any moment.

This card comes about for people who feel alone, or lonely, for when you are feeling disconnected and lost. The golden light of Source showers down upon you and reminds you that we are never separate from what we desire.

Let go of your fears and shine bright like a diamond!

wow wow wow this is exactly me at the moment and has enforced what I am doing.



Leisa Crane

Hmm well I feel tired as soon as I tune into you, and it feels like this is symbolic of your efforts in a way. Like you are trying so hard to make things happen, make things work, and yet nothing has taken off just yet. And your time will come. I feel like it’s a matter of which way your direction is, I know it sounds weird but literally the direction you are driving, the location you are going to, the energy is in the wrong place.

It’s like if I was looking at the map of Australia, your up and heading further up and to the left, and you need to come down a bit and to the right, does that make sense? not as far down as us but is Hervey bay near you? Have you looked at a course or work in that area? it feels like something is going to open up for you there and its going to open up a whole new fresh energy for you. Like you will be well received there for the Master that you are.

Your energy is like a digital wavelength and you are located in an analogue area. They haven't upgraded their communication systems enough to be able to handle your bandwidth. You need to come down a bit, the energy is very different in Hervey, much more receptive to your way of thinking and operating. I feel the Lemurian energy is stronger in those parts and you really resonate to that, I keep seeing a dolphin, connecting in with the Sirian energy vibration.

Lol I just heard 'you need to work with Pete' haha and by work with I feel it’s more like energy healing, swapping codes. you two know each other from way back and have come here on a similar mission. you are the quiet achievers, the wise owls who know much but share little until the time is right and the audience is receptive. I feel like as long as you stay where you are working/directing your energy to be successful, you will continue to hit a wall. Look at your options down and right, Hervey Bay just stands out.

Use your connections, join a meditation group or something in that area, make the connections, get the word out who you are and what you do and start anchoring your energy there and things will begin to shift in the right direction.
Perfect as always Starina, and yes agree with all of that. Awesome reading, thank you. I have had Hervey Bay area in my sites for a while, so we will see what comes up.



Teri Quinlan

Well when I look at these cards there is one that really stands out and it’s like everything else is linked to it. Abundance! It’s like this is what you are dying to know about, this is the main issue coming up for you right now, I can see you as a keen bean ,eager, wide eyed like a little kid, waiting and wondering have you been a good girl and now you will get rewarded. What about now? What about now? Have I been good enough?

Who are you really wanting acknowledgement/acceptance from? does money = success in your family? I’m feeling like the father figure and his affections, attentions were scares but if you were successful in his eyes it would mean everything to you. Is he a hard judge of character, do you really have to work for it? I know you want the abundance for you too, but it’s like you just so dearly want to please him, to get his approval, to be the good one. I feel like when you let go of this need to please you will actually really blossom.

You will give yourself the recognition you crave, and your partner too, and this will make you happy beyond words, you will be doing it! I’m getting lovely tingles on my head, so has this person passed away? because someone wants you to know they are there for you, and it’s really yummy tingly angelic like energy. I’m reading these cards a little differently instead of starting at the beginning I’m starting in the middle, as I mentioned Abundance was the key. Next we have Universal Protection and Space Clear. I feel like you have intuitive gifts, are you using them? I feel like this is part of your business plan for world domination hehe I have said something similar, it’s your playful inner child coming out. It’s like you have this magical idea and you are working towards it, you know this is your ultimate goal/job and it all kind of feels like a fantasy, but in a good way. Like its too good to be true.

But let me tell you, after dreaming all my life of one day being a fulltime healer, thinking it was the ultimate goal and somewhat unachievable, I did it! It took a while, it took me leaving the past behind, the self doubt, the negative know-it-alls, and just started again and got to know myself, and then I blossomed. I feel like you need to do the same, let the negative no no’s go, and start surrounding yourself with inspiring people who are doing what you want to do. Not the big egos, not the people you put on pedestals’, but people you can see a little bit of you in. You are protected and divinely guided, so really listen to that guidance. I know you already talk to your crew, but believe it, know it, feel it and work with it more, you have a gift! Space clear is saying to keep clear, cleanse and clear, throw away the old both physically and energetically. The lighter you are the clearer you are. Do you smoke? I’m seeing you smoking, that's go to stop (lol sorry not my words) the smoke cigarettes? pot? incense? something is smoking and creating a smoke screen for you to hide your problems behind.

Become transparent and clear and your gifts will be enhanced. Next is Contact and Reincarnation. You would do well to work with both of these cards because you have gifts and talents from previous lives you are yet to tap into, and it’s all about communicating with the stars, how exciting! Have you looked at studying Astrology or astronomy? I feel like it would unlock some ancient memories and codings for you and help you to wake up. You are loved more than you could ever know!

Oh wow! Parts of this made me actually giggle, almost, but in a GOOD way. My father is alive and we don't have any direct contact. I was, YES, the little girl always wanting his attention but didn't get it, and yes, I feel him still judging me, thinking I'm a failure of some sort. I don't smoke anything, and sugar is my drug of choice. Yes, I am intuitive and don't always listen to myself. I had some tarot cards at one time, but they weren't for me; in fact, I was in a car wreck and the deck, in the trunk of my car, came out of the box and scattered like the wind. I never was comfortable with them. I think they were the Rider-Waite deck. Before moving to my present location, I spent a great deal of time with a friend of mine who is a medium and aura reader. It was as if I could feed off her energy. After meeting my husband and moving where he is, it's as if the "flow" stopped. Both of us feel stagnant and are looking at a move and an opportunity has potentially opened for me. My brother and my grandmother are both on the other side and I often feel them, which I just love! Thank you for your insight. You are a blessing and may you be blessed for all the wonderful work you do. Thank you for the gift. It has brought about a lot of introspection.


Friday, June 7, 2013


Kirsty Vance 7/6/2013

Well lil lady it’s time for some changes in your energy, there is a real feeling of out with the old and in with the new. And the new is all about you! A change of energy, a change of space, even friendships falling away. While some may feel like loss, you are in fact lightening the load so that you are able to fully step out of your shell and begin to shine. This is an exciting time even if it may not feel like it. So much is changing and shifting and it isn't always nice or comfortable, but it IS necessary.

Dna Activation talks about your physical body and the need to make some changes here. DNA Activation works on the fluids in the body so the blood the water the cells, are you drinking enough water? It’s like you are having this detox phase but not flushing out all the stuff you need to get rid of. I feel the water is also symbolic of the emotions you are not letting out as well. You need a jolly good cry luv! Get yourself some cheesy soppy movies and let this shiz out. It even feels like some of this emotion isn't even yours, you have taken on other peoples stuff and claimed it as yours. You need to let it out and let it go. There is a great cord cutting technique in the book that would work wonders for you.

You are an empathic soul and just want to help others (snap!) and you don't realise how much of other peoples crap you take on all the time and its leaving your drained and unable to cope with your own stuff. The body! you are needing to make changes, why am I seeing eggs? do you eat a lot of them? I feel like you need to cut them out altogether, are you allergic to them? maybe the hormones in the eggs are messing with yours and throwing you out of kilter. DNA Activation is all about shaking you into action. You need to let the density out of your body (in this case old emotional crap) in order to allow yourself to feel and be lighter and happier, more carefree as is your nature.

DIVINE CREATION has come in because this is all about recognising your own worth, recognising yourself as the amazing spark of the divine. This symbol works with self esteem issues and allowing you to shine brightly like the beautiful being you are. All this boggy emotional crap is really squashing you and making you doubt just about every aspect of your life and its making you retreat and go inwards, also making you a bit mental - as in overly thoughtful. Churning over your thoughts all day and night, bah that's got to stop. It’s just all old stuff coming to the surface for you to look at, work through and let go of. You are not that anymore, let it go with grace and ease and be free to be happy NOW!

The Golden Eye I also feel like this one is telling you that you do not know the full story. The Golden Eye is all about seeing the unseen. Working with your intuition to get the answers, are you missing someone? Well you have the gifts to talk to them, but you have to get quiet, let the self doubt go, get rid of the monkey chatter, and tune in. When I typed that I got a big whoosh of energy like someone is there dying to talk to you but your not giving them time/space to come talk to your properly. The Golden Eye works with opening up your intuition.

UNIVERSAL PROTECTION this is a message from your Guides, from the Angels, they are there for you, they surround you and support you in every moment. This energy also connects with feelings of loneliness, feeling homesick, or feeling disconnected and sad. Work with this symbol and tune into the Golden Light of Source and feel and know that connection is there for you.

SPACE CLEAR I feel like this one is actually the most important one for you to work with. It’s all about cleaning up the crap. It works like an energetic vacuum cleaner helping to suck away all that is no longer needed, anything that does not serve you. Suck away all that old stuff you no longer wish to carry around and give yourself the element of space! I also have a great house clearing technique in the book that would be great to help clear out the stagnation in the house as well. Time for new energy, letting go of the old, and embracing the future.

WOW !!! That gave me goose bumps. I have everything I need for a cutting/clearing so I can do that very soon. Yep I definitely need a good cry so will try the movies  and that’s so cool about missing someone, as I definitely do and often at night I hear, feel and sometimes almost see someone with me so I will try to connect with them. Thank you so much lovely lady, you have made me feel so positive about some changes I was second guessing myself on.

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Michelle Parnaby 7/6/2013
(Past) CONTACT - (Present) The Golden Eye) - (Future) DNA ACTIVATION

So we begin with contact which is all about opening up the channels of communication with spirit or whoever it is you chose. For you this reading is very galactic as they are the energies you most resonate with. You have opened up portals to other worlds, connected with many star beings of many races and nations, this is your role, this has always been your role in many eons past. You are the communicator, the instigator, the facilitator of communications.

It’s like you are the meeting point for beings to come together to converse, you play the mediator. It’s like you are a bit of a PR person on the other side, getting people together, making things happen, organising events and communications on all levels to keep the peace. I see you zipping through wormholes, fixing things, popping back through again. Introducing this person to that, this being to that and then zip your gone somewhere else to do another introduction.

Communication is key to you. Not only in your own life but you open up channels of communication for others on the Earth plane as well as with spirit and with galactic beings. The galactic is done more in your 'spare time' and more in the veils rather than here in the physical. You are a very busy lil bee, never resting for a moment until peace is restored. You have put your hand up for a rather large task my dear, and your totally up for it! sometimes your physical body is frustrating as it does not perform the same as your galactic body, its dense, slow, and sluggish compared to instant manifestation and light speed.

You are in a constant process of trying to merge these 2 worlds, these two bodies, and it will be your life’s work, along with about a million other things, and such is your way! (haha love it, were very similar like that). THE GOLDEN EYE - this is the phase you are in right now, and it feels like all of these symbols are happening simultaneously, you are always in 3 worlds at once, 3 places at once, the number 3 even feels like it resonates to you somehow, do you always do things in 3's? The golden eye is all about Pineal Gland activation.

You are always working on yourself to better yourself, to make yourself faster lighter more agile, but the Pineal holds the keys you are looking for. It’s like it needs constant chipping away of the crystalisation on the pineal to reveal this amazing golden orb that lays underneath. It has been purposely shielded, caked in mud so to speak, because once you tap into the keys and codings locked in it, you will be fast as lightening. You really resonate with the golden ray, the frequency of gold, your 3rd eye is amazing, just like a solid ball of glowing golden amazingness, and its huge! I haven't ever seen one like it.

Work with uncovering your 3rd eye, work with the golden eye symbol, activate and illuminate this information superhighway and then watch out world! DNA ACTIVATION - As I mentioned you are a real space commander, you work in the past present and future simultaneously, you are a shape shifter, a time traveller, a world Bridger and DNA Activation is also another indication of what is needed and what is going on at the same time. Your DNA is like a living library of light codings.

Work with the DNA Activation symbol to enter your DNA and find out the treasures that it holds. Everything you have ever been or ever will be is held within these codings. Go forth and explore great wonderer. It’s time to shine!

Now you made me cry! Thanks so much, I needed this right now, wow! I am so busy, yes mate it's all true, and I'm still downloading the depth of it, especially the 3 thing, I'm having so much trouble with my body too, but with that info now I get it, I need to do an integration, so perfect, you have no idea. Still buzzing from your reading mate, Changed my life in an instant!! I can't wait to meet in person!



This all about cleaning ship! time to really dig through all that you no longer want and need in your life, and this is physical as well as emotional. Do you have hoards of boxes with old stuff tucked away just incase? you need to go through it and throw some of it away. Go through and look at it and say I am not that, I am not that any more etc.

With each thing that you throw away you are removing those memories, programming, emotional issues etc to be released from your energy field. As you cleanse and clear away the old your vibration will begin to shift and lighten. All this stuff is very much a representation of things you are holding on to and not willing to let go, and it feels like there is a lot of it. Old school books, stuff from your childhood etc, is it all good? is it all worth it? when you look at it do you feel good about yourself? does it remind you of good times? or does it make you feel crappy about yourself, remind you of a time you are trying to get back to etc? it has to go, you are not that anymore, why would you want to go backwards?

It feels like until you do some kind of ritual letting go, burning, ripping, throwing away, you will not move forwards. This stuff is weighing you down and keeping you locked into the past. Is it connected a past relationship? a time when you were thinner, more beautiful etc anything that keeps you locked into feeling bad about who you are now, you really need to take a good look at why you are holding on to it, because it does not serve your highest good, and it does not serve your ascension.

Space clear is all about removing the debris, the fuzz, the static, the noise, and creating clarity and the freedom of space. Allow yourself to be freed of the old.

Well, I do have a lot of physical clutter in boxes as we moved into a smaller place. We are planning a yard sale the beginning of July. As for emotional, that's harder to tell. I've let go of most everything that I feel I no longer need. I thought.There is one thing that brings me down, but only due to the circumstances. It also makes me the most happy.

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Tamara Caswell 5/6/2013

Well I got a really nice warm energy come over me when I tuned into you, like everything is just lovely you have nothing to worry about. Transformation is saying you have been through a lot, you have been slowly chipping away and working through your stuff, and you are starting to reap the rewards of your efforts.

I felt like there had been some big changes like a job/house as in it felt big in distance or something, but really when you did it, it didn't feel that big of a deal. It feels like your in a pretty cruisy energy right now and just enjoying the calm within.

Unconditional Love, well this is definitely a good sign, with some people this symbol can be a rather difficult, but with you I feel like your resonating at the love vibration. There is an ease with how I’m feeling when tuning in so that's lovely for you. Are you in a really happy fulfilling relationship, or dreaming of one? Coz that energy is sitting really nicely around you.

Grounded, I feel like this energy is here to say keep doing what your doing, you are laying some great foundations for the future and the work you did in the past and are doing now are really helping you to anchor yourself as a whole new person/energy.

Thanks Starina, yes I am in a really happy fulfilling relationship, my husband & I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary in just over 2 Weeks. So it is lovely to know that you can feel that. I have had a few changes in my work in the last couple of years, & it has been scary at times. It us so good to know that I am on the right path for the future. Thanks again it was a wonderful reading.

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Claudine Suzor 5/6/2013

Ah you poor luv Abundance has been coming at you hard and fast but for all the wrong reasons - well at least it seems. You put your hand up and said give it to me, and boy have you had a lot thrown at you. While it may seem like life has not been kind to you, you are in fact clearing an abundance of karma, an abundance of life lessons in a short space of time.

You have asked for it to be this way because of your ultimate goal, to be a teacher, a healer, a mentor and a life coach. How on earth could you help people if you have not experienced it first hand? You can read all the books, do all the study, learn all the courses, but it would be only skin deep. Your life lessons while hard and fast and at times overwhelming, are all giving you pieces of the puzzle, giving you all the tools you need to connect with your clients, loved ones, friends, and random strangers who come to you for guidance. You will be able to heal them on such a deep level due to the abundance of life lessons you have encountered in your time here.

TRANSFORMATION - You are in a state of rapid change and transmutation. It can at times feel overwhelming, mind boggling, challenging and all round too bloody hard! But don't give up, the light is just around the corner. You may feel like you are in the quicksand at this present moment, but you are clearing out the old and preparing for your emergence from the cocoon. You will step out on to solid ground and be quite amazed at the grace and ease with which your life begins to play out. This time is coming, but it is not quite yet. Write a list of the things you are willing to let go of in order to get what you want. Would you give up smoking for perfect health? Would you give up self doubt for success? Would you give up self loathing for the man of your dreams? Work out what it is you ARE willing to let go of, good and bad, to help lighten the load and make this transformation easier on yourself.

Don't focus on the lack, or what you don't want to change/let go of, and allow yourself the freedom of change, because it is happening whether you like it or not. STAR CHILD what blossoms out of the cocoon is your authentic self, that divine part of you born of the stars. When you have become clear and light and free from the past, what awaits you is YOU. Your higher self is sitting there with all the knowledge and goodies you have always dreamed of, you won’t need someone else to get the information for you, you will be crystal clear to gain the codes and wisdoms of your higher being and draw it down into yourself and anchor these new higher frequencies into the earth. You are a child of the stars, this is why you have not felt like you belonged.

You are much more than your earthly existence, so let go, allow flow, and trust that your family is with you to guide you, encourage you, and assist you should you ever ask their help - and remember to ask!
wow wow wow I love it, when I read that I'm a star child a little tear of joy ran down my cheek. This has given me hope n Light. Bless you Starina Nightsky Thank you Thank you Thank you.

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Kasie Monea  5/6/2013

Reincarnation is letting us know that something or someone from the past has been affecting you and blocking you from moving on. I feel like a situation from the past just hasn't gone away and is blocking your ability to really speak your mind in relationships, friendships and also in your work situation.

Are you a bit of a push-over, not really assertive in the way you speak up about yourself? I feel like this is connected to your childhood and possibly not being encouraged to grow and blossom and be free. I feel like there was a masculine person (father energy) that kind of shut you down. I’m seeing someone standing over you yelling and pointing their finger and being very hard on you. This sweet little child just wants to laugh and play and be free, and it feels like you had to hold a lot of that fun back. I can see you playing by yourself with dolls and having a tea party and being lost in a land of make-believe.

Because of the nature of the Reincarnation card this could relate to this lifetime or a previous one. So if you cannot connect with this information, please know that what I am seeing is from a previous life and you have carried those cellular memories through with you. CONTACT is sitting in the present energy position, and this is all about opening the channels of communication. I feel like your throat and your expression was really closed down due to those past experiences, and your still trying to find your voice. Work with the Contact symbol to help open up your throat channels and let that voice out.

Do you sing? I feel like song and the vibrations in your throat as you let lose would really help to shift some of the stagnant energy sitting there. And it’s not just your throat it’s your thymus/thyroid area too. And this leads into the next card, the future being DNA Activation. This talks of new gifts and talents being activated by you being able to express yourself more fully. It’s like once the floodgates have been opened, the divine communication will come through from Spirit so clearly, and it will really allow you to blossom into the person you came here to be. That free spirited beautiful fairy-like child who will heal others simply by beings herself. You have some work to do to break away the conditioning, but you will find your wings, and learn to fly.

Wow!!!  Thank You so much Beautiful, for the 3 card reading. I really appreciate your time and energy to do this for me  It definitely resonates with me, I won’t write too much on here cause everyone can see it. The 1st card makes a lot of sense, I do feel it has been brought over from a past life, and have been told very similar before. The second card, wow, I can totally relate. And I have had a massive communication blockage for quite awhile now, which isn't normal for me, I’m quite the chatterbox lol! It’s funny cause the night before you done this reading I was guided to sleep with a blue lace agate Crystal under my pillow, and keep being guided to do extra Reiki on my throat. And the 3rd card is spot on, I have always felt that, I know that once I work on these blockages etc, that it will all be so much clearer and more of my gifts will be activated or stronger. I can’t wait! It’s funny people always pick up a fairy like energy around me  I have been told one of my past lives was in the elemental realm, and had another pick up fairy energy in a past life. It’s amazing how many people pick that up.  I can’t wait to break away from the old conditioning and head down the path of my souls purpose of helping guide and heal others  Am so glad you were guided to read for me, I really needed the confirmation and a bit of a push to make more of an effort to work on myself at the moment. Thanks again Starina  Much Love and Brightest Rainbow Blessings. Can’t wait to work with your Magical sacred symbols, they are just Divine Hun  the energy is just beaming from them. I feel so drawn to them, it feels familiar for some reason, like I've worked with them before? But I haven't, maybe a past life thing. Thank You so much for being such a Beautiful soul & sharing them with us (the world) You have a very special gift!  Am just so glad to have crossed paths.

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Rebecca Walker 5/6/2013
I’m getting that this relates to a situation that is still going on right now but happened a long time ago. There is a need to forgive and move past this pain, with unconditional love in your heart. It doesn't mean you have forgotten what happened, it just means that in order for you to fully heal you need to come to a place of closure.
There is a real need to forgive yourself more than anything. We can all take a so called wrong turn in life, or make a so called bad decision, but know that it is all about the lessons we learn during these times that make us the person we are today. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and the past has not stopped you, merely slowed you down a little.
It is time to look within and give yourself credit for all the tough times you have been through and survived. Give yourself the love that others may not have given you. Heal your heart with Unconditional Love of Self, and then the true magic will begin.

OH WOW. Soooo was not expecting to get a reading. Thank you. I am a bit blown away. Just looking at the symbol makes me go ahhhhhh and brings tears, and yes you are spot on, bloody big journey. Thank you, thank you. I know what I need to forgive. You ledged thanks for your time.
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Jacqui Ward 5/6/2013

Big changes are coming your way, and I feel like you know this deep down. It’s like the wheels have already been set in motion, your right in the thick of it, wading through the swampy stuff that has to be cleared in order to really step out into the light-ness. I’m getting a headache while tuning into you, at the base of my skull where the head meets the neck. I feel like there is a lot of mental stuff going on for you right now, lots of thoughts jumbling around and needing to be processed and sorted through to get them out. I see you laying in bed at night wide awake still thinking.

You really need to set aside time in the day, even if it only 10 minutes, to just sit and be. It’s not about anyone else but you, if you do not give yourself this quiet time you will continue to 'suffer'. You have big decisions to make and it feels like there is an avoidance going on, what are you so scared of. The universe will support you no matter what. The braver you are the bigger the reward you will receive, so go for it! take that leap of faith and see where you end up!

I feel like I want to do a bit of quick healing on you, I ask your higher self and get a yes so I’m just going to work with the Transformation symbol to help clear some of this boggy energy away from your head and cut some cords that you have around your mid section - it’s your emotional zone and connected to a feminine aspect. It’s just above your left hip like your fallopian tubes area. I feel there is a loss there but don't want to go into it publicly on fb. I will work with the symbol to help free this energy for you.

I worked to cut the energy away which wasn't clearing very quickly it was very dark and connected to drug energy, maybe hospital anaesthetic? I worked with Unconditional Love and asked AA Michael to help due to the time restrictions, so I hope this is of some help to you. I heard the words forgiveness, and all is well.


Wow thank you! That is massive for a one card reading. Very insightful. It's true I have been awake at night thinking about stuff. I will start to do meditation, I know I need too. I have been stalling on moving forward with a project because of fear. I have been doing some womb healing and have been asking my womb for guidance and received some healing energy and insight in my dreams.. The energy around my mid section could relate to an experience that happened many years ago now. Thank you.

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