Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Birthing Day 31.08.2011

Well today I decided I’m going to start writing more personal experiences on my blog, so feel free to tune out if your not interested hehe. Today was not only my sons 3rd birthday, but also the first day I have had at home, in our new house, alone. Ahhh the bliss.

The last few weeks have been rather crazy with moving house etc, and I have been seeing loads of 999’s (the ending of a cycle) and kept saying to hubby, I really feel like this is the end of a kind of hibernation phase we have been going through, like coming out of winter. Sunday felt like the crossover day, and now I am seeing loads of 111’s which is all about new beginnings. How exciting, I can’t wait to see what the energies of this new house have in-store for us.

I had a really special moment out in the garden after doing a healing on a wonderful little boy in Perth. He is quite a character, and I was amazed when tuning into him, that I saw his beaming golden aura, something I haven’t seen before. So beautiful.

Without going too much into the healing, we were joined by some very special beings, Master Jesus came through very strongly, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Lady Nada and Arc Angel Michael. Just as I thought we were ready to get started on the healing in came The Galactic Federation of Light! This has also never happened in a healing before, so I was very excited to see what came through.

Normally I will start by drawing the body physical body and the energy of the client, but all of a sudden all this channelled info came in about the little boy and his purpose here on Earth. I had to quickly grab the dictaphone to record it, otherwise I don’t remember what comes through. I spoke for sometime about this special little boy and his time spent in and out of hospitals, and how this was part of this role he has taken on in this lifetime. The information came through so quickly and clearly, it was like I was being downloaded with files of information about him. Very cool! What a special little man, with some very big shoes to fill.

After tingling and rushing with amazing energies while bringing through the messages for him, I continued with the healing until it was time to finish. It was such a different healing in everyway, how it started, where the geometries wished to be placed, and how the whole healing flowed. I was really impressed with how quickly all the information came through aswell, awesome!
So after this very refreshing healing, I decided to head out into the garden. We have recently moved into our new house, and we finally have a garden with lots of trees, grass, flowers and plants, lovely! It was a gorgeous sunny day and I wanted to soak up some of the lovely suns rays, so I stood barefoot on the grass and faced the sun with my eyes closed.

I visualised a golden beam of light pouring down over me. Starting at the top of my head, flowing down through my insides and outside of my body, like a beautiful big blob of honey. I let the colour go through the cells of my body, into my chakras, cleansing and clearing away any blockages, and restoring my energy back to full again.
I let the sun coat me all the way down to the ground and then pour out the souls of my feet and into the Earth, feeling so connected to the elements it was just gorgeous.

I then turned away from the sun and let it fill the back of my body aswell, I was like my back chakras needed a little bit extra. All around me was green and colourful and lush and the blue sky was clear and beautiful.

I went inside and got some bread to feed the birds, hoping they would come and join me in the garden, and as I sprinkled the bread crumbs around I was thinking about someone who we had to remove from our lives recently. Someone who meant a great deal to us, a mentor, someone who we trusted and followed their every ‘intuitive’ word, blinded by our love for her, and not seeing what was really going on.

I began thinking how amazing it was, that this supposed great loss we had encountered, how much had changed since we said goodbye, so much for the better, how much happier we all are, how many amazing and positive things have happened since taking hold of our own destiny, using our own gifts, relying on our own intuition for the answers. How losing something that supposedly meant so much, has given us the greatest gifts, that keep on giving.

And in that moment I saw out of the corner of my eye something in the sky, I looked up, and over our house flew a huge flock of Ibis Birds, the ones that are connected to Egypt. There must have been 50 of them. I have never seen that many fly together before. They flew over the house, did a loop and came back towards me again, then looped and disappeared. And as I watched, a single white feather caught the sunlight and gently fell and swayed in the wind, falling from a great height where the birds had just been.

I watched totally transfixed at this special sight, a single white feather falling like a message from the Angels. It was so bright, so white as it caught the sun, and I watched it till I could see it no more. I felt like this was a little confirmation from Spirit, a little message of well done, you did it!
I’m so excited to see what this next chapter holds in store for us, it really feels like we have turned a corner, and all these lovely new energies are finally coming into play. I hope you too are feeling the magic of creation right now.

By Kushla Skinner-Storey

If you would like to listen to the healing I did this day, his mother has very graciously allowed me to share it with you

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