Thursday, May 24, 2012


The following is a small out-take of a channelling I had done earlier this year by the very tallented Lincoln of Channel Higher Self. This is not the full reading, and the only information deleted or altered in anyway relates to me personally and further projects I have not yet announced. I was prompted to share this information in the hopes of allowing you a little peek into my magical world with The Sacred Symbols of the Stars.
Please have a read and if you would like to book onto any of the workshops coming up later this year, please go to and send me a message

x x x Kush x x x

Channelled Session by Lincoln Gergar of “Channel Higher Self”
1st March 2012

 “Dear One, before we begin the session to bring through information that you have requested it is important that you tune into your higher self now, connect within, allow yourself to feel the strength of that which you are. Allow yourself to feel your light, to feel your love. You Dear One are a wonderful being of light, a being from the stars if you will, and that which you have come into this world to share, you are beginning to bring forth now more fully.
Understand Dear One, that the language of your Soul, the language that you carry within yourself, is far more than spoken words; for it is in fact the vibrational frequencies that you are, and that you understand as the creative power of life. And so it can be said that you are a Master, a master teacher of the various vibrational frequencies as aspects of your communication.

Your level Dear One, of understanding, is far greater than most people upon this Earth, and that is why you have chosen to come into this form, into this body, in order to bring in this knowledge to help awaken humanity.
And so Dear One, your tools are great just as the experience that you have within your multidimensional being is far greater than that which can be contained within this one single human lifetime. And so what Dear One, what you have chosen to bring forth into this world as yourself and as your gift at this time is an alchemy of vibration; an understanding of how the mind can focus upon frequency in order to change and manipulate the experiences we are currently having.

And so Dear One, it is this gift of mastery that you are bringing forth through yourself at this time. Understand that the vibrational drawings, the geometries that you have brought into this world through your own ability to channel, are simply sign posts, simply pointers to the deeper vibrational frequencies that are connected to them.
And so it is not so much the meaning within the lines themselves, but what’s more important Dear One, is the vibration that is connected to this symbol; for just as in human terms, when you speak the word ‘apple’ it forms an impression in the audience that is listening to you. They see within their mind an ‘apple,’ their tastebuds remember the flavour of an ‘apple,’ the re-experience vibrations associated with the enjoyment of an ‘apple.’ And so Dear One, the vibrational signatures that you are bringing forth through yourself to humanity is but a reminder, an awakening, to the greater frequencies of Love, Light, Power, and the many themes you are guiding them to realise.

And so Dear One, the symbols you have brought forth, and you continue to bring forth from your own self are helping to reconnect humanity with that which exists around them, and that which is far greater than they currently understand and perceive. For your own experience has shown you that you are a Master of working with the frequencies of light. You have within yourself Dear One, an ability to shift, to change, to reconnect with new fields of vibration through simple choice; but it is not so simple for the people around you, for they themselves are still developing their own ability to connect with these multi-dimensional frequencies and states.
Much Dear One, of humanity at this time is living in a state of greater unconsciousness in relation to the emotions that they have, and the feelings felt within. And so your symbols Dear One, are like keys opening locks, helping them to awaken different emotional vibrations and experiences that are possible within them. And so as they gaze upon your images, and so as the shape and geometry of these images strike their eyes and enter their mind, they are connected more deeply with the frequencies embodied within them. And this Dear One, will shift and change and reconnect their different energetic pathways within themselves, and between their different dimensional bodies.

It can be said Dear One, that your frequencies are a form of reconnection and remembrance for some beings who use these different symbols within meditation will in fact simply be reawakening experiences they have already had at a Soul level. While other beings will be exposed to frequencies in a new way in which they will be learning for their own first time.
And so much of that which you bring forth is a communication channel in which these symbols are allowing different people to channel into themselves the vibrational frequencies that are being relayed through them. It is as though Dear One, you are handing them a card and handing them a key that allows them to attune themselves to a new vibrational frequency, and thus experience it within their own mind, body and energy system. And now that the frequency is brought more fully into themselves, they have the ability to use this frequency to change how they create their version of this world.

You are giving them empowerment; you are awakening them to a wider array of choices. You Dear One, are building the tools that they have within their toolkit, and like any great Master, you are encouraging the student to use, to explore. You are laying before them many tools, many vibrational frequencies, many keys, and it is up to them to pick up these tools, to learn how to use them to unlock the different potentials they have within themselves.
And so you will find throughout your course of work that certain people are more attracted to certain frequencies for that is what is needed at this time. Certain cards Dear One, will jump towards them, certain symbols will resonate with them, and they will desire to carry forth these symbols into this world. And so Dear One, that which you are bringing forth now is an opening, helping you to bring forth your Soul level star heritage message into this world, to continue to transform it.

Some Dear One, of the processes that you are currently undergoing are helping to align you more fully with the communicational signature of these different drawings. Understand that as you focus on them and bring them into yourself, you are giving yourself new vibrational knowledge and cellular knowledge that is shifting your understanding of these vibrational fields. You’re educating yourself, you are aligning yourself, you are expanding your vibrational body to embody these different frequencies as yourself, and in doing so, you will be carrying forth the patterns of awakening that these symbols represent.

You Dear One, will gain access to all the frequencies that are being channelled through you into these symbols. And so it can be said that you are a Master Pattern, you are Dear One, a great blueprint of these different energies, and you will walk them in through yourself, into life. And this is one way people will come to understand the greater power and potential of working with these designs. For as they see you, as they feel you, as their subconscious body connects with your subconscious body, and as energies are exchanged, they will understand the deeper meaning and importance of working with these symbols directly.

And so Dear One, you will have many chance encounters that have been aligned because your vibrational field has grown stronger and is communicating in many different vibrational languages, so to speak. You will Dear One, be able to translate the symbols through your vibration and through your mind in a greater degree that will communicate with people beyond their own conscious knowledge and understanding, and thus you will draw to yourself, those people who will benefit from that which you share. And as the energies and vibrations that you meditate upon continue to affect and create change within you, you can be said to speak their language, in that you understand them, in that you know what they are feeling within, and where they must journey to during their own path of understanding.

In the beginning Dear One, of your own journey of spiritual transformation, the range of frequencies will be kept specific, largely relating to those beings called the Pleiadian Group, but as you choose to develop your mastery more fully, your group Dear One, your Soul level spiritual mates will in fact be bringing forth different frequencies and different experiences, different vibrations, coming from different Star Beings. And so Dear One, at this time your team is but precise, but in the future coming moments you Dear One, will in fact expand that which you are working towards, for you will become a far greater channel of these vibrational frequencies.
And so it can be said that on a Soul level experience that you are offering your incarnate services to other groups, to other Star Being groups that choose to use you to bring forth their vibrations in a solidified form through your geometric drawings.

And so understand that as the course of action continues, the drawings will become unfamiliar to you at times. For that which you are bringing forth right here and now are but familiar frequencies, familiar geometries, and yet as you grow and expand, and as your Soul Team works with more beings on the other side, you will be bringing forth geometries and shapes that look unfamiliar to you.  This Dear One, is because they are not of your own. But as you choose to embody them, as you choose to channel them and work with them more fully, you will be gaining this knowledge, you will be using these frequencies.

It can be said Dear One, that you will be learning the vibrational language of many more races of non-physical beings. And so you are a translator, as well as a channel, as well as a communicator, as well as an artist. Your journey Dear One, has but begun, and as you continue to work with these symbols, you will find that you have been given gifts that will allow you to enter into the homes and hearts of many people around this world. For many people will be drawn to you as they recognise your symbols as coming from, and speaking within, their own self.
And so Dear One, remember the importance of these drawings are not the lines themselves, but the vibrational frequencies and the information that are connected with them. And so as you deliver these messages, continue to trust in your own inner knowing, continue to trust in the vibrational changes that these designs affect within you, for this will be giving you the deeper understanding of what these keys unlock within your own multi-dimensional self. “

Perth, WA - September 2012
Sunshine Coast, QLD - October 2012
Melbourne, VIC - November 2012
Luxor, EGYPT - December 2012
For all enquiries, registrations, bookings etc please go to

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