Friday, June 7, 2013



This all about cleaning ship! time to really dig through all that you no longer want and need in your life, and this is physical as well as emotional. Do you have hoards of boxes with old stuff tucked away just incase? you need to go through it and throw some of it away. Go through and look at it and say I am not that, I am not that any more etc.

With each thing that you throw away you are removing those memories, programming, emotional issues etc to be released from your energy field. As you cleanse and clear away the old your vibration will begin to shift and lighten. All this stuff is very much a representation of things you are holding on to and not willing to let go, and it feels like there is a lot of it. Old school books, stuff from your childhood etc, is it all good? is it all worth it? when you look at it do you feel good about yourself? does it remind you of good times? or does it make you feel crappy about yourself, remind you of a time you are trying to get back to etc? it has to go, you are not that anymore, why would you want to go backwards?

It feels like until you do some kind of ritual letting go, burning, ripping, throwing away, you will not move forwards. This stuff is weighing you down and keeping you locked into the past. Is it connected a past relationship? a time when you were thinner, more beautiful etc anything that keeps you locked into feeling bad about who you are now, you really need to take a good look at why you are holding on to it, because it does not serve your highest good, and it does not serve your ascension.

Space clear is all about removing the debris, the fuzz, the static, the noise, and creating clarity and the freedom of space. Allow yourself to be freed of the old.

Well, I do have a lot of physical clutter in boxes as we moved into a smaller place. We are planning a yard sale the beginning of July. As for emotional, that's harder to tell. I've let go of most everything that I feel I no longer need. I thought.There is one thing that brings me down, but only due to the circumstances. It also makes me the most happy.

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