Friday, June 7, 2013


Kirsty Vance 7/6/2013

Well lil lady it’s time for some changes in your energy, there is a real feeling of out with the old and in with the new. And the new is all about you! A change of energy, a change of space, even friendships falling away. While some may feel like loss, you are in fact lightening the load so that you are able to fully step out of your shell and begin to shine. This is an exciting time even if it may not feel like it. So much is changing and shifting and it isn't always nice or comfortable, but it IS necessary.

Dna Activation talks about your physical body and the need to make some changes here. DNA Activation works on the fluids in the body so the blood the water the cells, are you drinking enough water? It’s like you are having this detox phase but not flushing out all the stuff you need to get rid of. I feel the water is also symbolic of the emotions you are not letting out as well. You need a jolly good cry luv! Get yourself some cheesy soppy movies and let this shiz out. It even feels like some of this emotion isn't even yours, you have taken on other peoples stuff and claimed it as yours. You need to let it out and let it go. There is a great cord cutting technique in the book that would work wonders for you.

You are an empathic soul and just want to help others (snap!) and you don't realise how much of other peoples crap you take on all the time and its leaving your drained and unable to cope with your own stuff. The body! you are needing to make changes, why am I seeing eggs? do you eat a lot of them? I feel like you need to cut them out altogether, are you allergic to them? maybe the hormones in the eggs are messing with yours and throwing you out of kilter. DNA Activation is all about shaking you into action. You need to let the density out of your body (in this case old emotional crap) in order to allow yourself to feel and be lighter and happier, more carefree as is your nature.

DIVINE CREATION has come in because this is all about recognising your own worth, recognising yourself as the amazing spark of the divine. This symbol works with self esteem issues and allowing you to shine brightly like the beautiful being you are. All this boggy emotional crap is really squashing you and making you doubt just about every aspect of your life and its making you retreat and go inwards, also making you a bit mental - as in overly thoughtful. Churning over your thoughts all day and night, bah that's got to stop. It’s just all old stuff coming to the surface for you to look at, work through and let go of. You are not that anymore, let it go with grace and ease and be free to be happy NOW!

The Golden Eye I also feel like this one is telling you that you do not know the full story. The Golden Eye is all about seeing the unseen. Working with your intuition to get the answers, are you missing someone? Well you have the gifts to talk to them, but you have to get quiet, let the self doubt go, get rid of the monkey chatter, and tune in. When I typed that I got a big whoosh of energy like someone is there dying to talk to you but your not giving them time/space to come talk to your properly. The Golden Eye works with opening up your intuition.

UNIVERSAL PROTECTION this is a message from your Guides, from the Angels, they are there for you, they surround you and support you in every moment. This energy also connects with feelings of loneliness, feeling homesick, or feeling disconnected and sad. Work with this symbol and tune into the Golden Light of Source and feel and know that connection is there for you.

SPACE CLEAR I feel like this one is actually the most important one for you to work with. It’s all about cleaning up the crap. It works like an energetic vacuum cleaner helping to suck away all that is no longer needed, anything that does not serve you. Suck away all that old stuff you no longer wish to carry around and give yourself the element of space! I also have a great house clearing technique in the book that would be great to help clear out the stagnation in the house as well. Time for new energy, letting go of the old, and embracing the future.

WOW !!! That gave me goose bumps. I have everything I need for a cutting/clearing so I can do that very soon. Yep I definitely need a good cry so will try the movies  and that’s so cool about missing someone, as I definitely do and often at night I hear, feel and sometimes almost see someone with me so I will try to connect with them. Thank you so much lovely lady, you have made me feel so positive about some changes I was second guessing myself on.

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