Sunday, February 5, 2012


Another interesting thing that happened while growing up in my family was some strange markings that used to appear on our bodies sometimes. I remember my parents talking about it, these brown marks on their hands that wouldn’t rub off for days, and then were gone again. I can’t remember who in the family got them, but my parents would both wake up with the marks on the same morning.

The marks were normally on their hands or on one hand and could easily be mistaken for a smear of vegemite or the remanent of some wet coffee. I began getting them, normally at significant times in my life like the morning of my 18th birthday. I remember feeling special when I got them, like I had been on some cool trip, and this was my proof.
I showed the brown mark on my hand to a girl at work one time, she was training to be a nurse. I remember her saying ‘it could be a pigmentation of the skin’ as she tried everything she could to wash it off. I told her that it would be gone in a few days, and she was rather surprised when I showed her my hand after it had gone away the following week.

I have also got these markings on my foot onetime as well; I think I was about 26 at the time, infavt I think that was the last time I got it, when I had returned home from Egypt. Each time I get the markings on my hands I always think it’s me being grubby, and I try to wash it off. As I normally have vegemite on toast with a cup of coffee for breakfast every morning, it’s not hard to think that. But scrub away and it just doesn’t shift.

I believe these markings to be some kind of occurrence from being on a ship. My parents would never believe that if I told them, but I have read it in numerous places that it is quite common in contactees. Its a shame I never took photos of them.

Another kind of strange marking happened to our first born son. One morning when changing his nappy I noticed a mark on his right inner thigh  that hadn’t been there since birth, and now at 22 weeks was looking rather permanent. He still has the mark today and I guess it looks a bit like a ‘birthmark’.

One morning I went to get him out of his cot after he had been asleep all night and there was this huge red imprint on his chest. I guess it looked like someone had pushed down on his skin really really hard and left the red mark, or almost like scar tissue from a burn, but I doubt very much you could do that to a newborn and not make him scream. I think it was another one of those ‘up there’ kind of things. The mark stayed there for most of the day, and this happened about a week after the mark on his leg appeared.

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