"I just had a Reiki Level 1 Distant Attunement from Kushla, oh the bliss, I could actually smell flowers, and felt my hands buzzing. The Ascended Masters welcomed me, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude and love. I thank you with all my heart"
Argnesh Rose
"I was pretty busy when you were doing the attunement, but later that night I did some of the hand positions and really felt some warmth in my body where I put my hands. In some spots it took awhile to come through, I don't know if that means it's an area that is a bit blocked? The headache that I'd had all day disappeared as well. I'm interested to see how things in my body go as in the past couple of days Ive come down with a cold. Hoping this helps it move along quickly. Thank you so much for the attunement, it's so lovely of you and sharing"
Melinda Davenport
"I felt tingling in my left hand throughout and my left elbow started hurting but went as quick as it came and I was very light headed. I Reikied Joyce on her shoulder as soon as you finished, my little hands packed some heat. I then healed myself. It was really good but I am starting to get a headache. So I will just pump the water into myself. I would like to give my warmest thanks to Kushla, the attunement was amazing. In the few days since the attunement, when I have practised on people it’s been great to experience the different sensations. Its been a wonderful experience and looking forward to Level 2 Thank you"
John Howard
Thank you for the attunement. He thinks he is the ants pants now, Reiking everything he can get his hands on, (the chainsaw is out now??). So once again thank you so much for your generosity.
Blessings to you (John’s wife Joyce)
"Ok, so let me tell you about my attunement. Brad had been sick all morning, so I wouldn't have the bed to myself, so I relocated to the spare room. I set up some candles and then all of a sudden thought "Labradorite". It literally just popped into my head, but felt so right. I washed my hands and even though they were cold, the crystal was warm when I picked it up. Wowwee! I knew I was on to something then - I've never felt anything like that before. As soon as I lay down I immediately felt like I had to place the labradorite on my chest and/or tummy, so placed in just in between/under my ribs. The second thought that I had was that this room should be my healing room. I don't know why, since it is set up beautifully as our spare room, but again, it just popped into my head. And felt right. Off on a little tangent here - when we moved into our house and we were deciding which rooms would be what, I had a vision of a 'healing room' with a table and other goodies - not sure what those other goodies were then and still aren't, but you know what I mean I'm sure! At the time, I was toying with the idea of doing a massage course, but thinking back on it now, I think I kind of knew that was close, but not quite right. I think Reiki was just waiting in my subconscious.
Ok, so as soon as I lay down I also noticed that the candles were flickering, even though there was no breeze or drafts in the room. Interesting. I started feeling the same tingling in my hands that I told you about the other day (a little bit in my feet too), but this time it was more prominent on my left side. After a few minutes I felt stronger tingles, almost like if it was a cartoon or something, it would be drawn as a shooting star coming out of my hand (that's the best way I can describe it!). It felt like I had energy that would shoot out of the tips of my fingers any second! Then I felt twitching in my right and left hands, more-so on the right and it went on for quite a while. The right one went on for quite a while and if I tried to still my hand, it was almost uncomfortable, so I let it do its thing until it was done.
I noticed about halfway through that I could see purple (even though I had my eyes closed. Not a really strong purple, a beautiful soft combination of blue and pink coming together. It felt happy, soothing and pretty. Then I saw love hearts. I could feel the (your?) love. Really! Then I saw an eye - open, but no particular colour, almost like a black and white drawing.
(I just re-read this sentence and it just hit me what it reminds me of - heiroglyphics! Just googled it, I think it was the eye of Horus, just without the lines underneath.)
The heart and eye alternated for a few seconds and then I saw something that I'm going to try and draw and email to you. I don't know much about the sacred geometry that you and Pete have learnt about and you channel in your drawings, but I thought that's what it was. That excited me.
The tingling in my hands continued throughout this time.
I opened my eyes about 20 minutes later and went straight back into our bedroom to place my hands on Brad. He was lying on his side, so I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other under his pillow. My hands still felt tingly and warm as well. But to touch (ie if I put them on my face), they were cool. After a minute or two, I felt a little twinge under my ribs on the right hand side. Initially I was going to describe this to you as pain, but it wasn't painful as such, but it made me aware that there was 'something' there. I focused on sending energy and healing vibes to Brad (he had a really bad headache and upset tummy), then I almost felt like something was pushing it back, or didn't want it/wasn't ready for it. I was worried I was 'pushing' too hard, so still focused on the energy, but didn't push it.
Then I placed one hand on Brad's hip and the other on his head, and got the same twinge, this time in my neck on the right hand side. Left my hands there for a while, until it felt right to move them, then placed my hands on his back. I got another twinge, but I've forgotten where that one was. I asked Brad if he felt better or if he could feel anything from my hands and he said no. My little heart sank. But then he said "I feel better when your hands are on me". That made me feel a bit better, and it is something he says to me all the time"
Jodie Simpson
"I was actually able to lie down and close my eyes while you were doing the attunement today and found it very relaxing. I had no idea what I would feel or if I would feel anything at all. But a few minutes in, I felt a very strong tingle in my right hip. I then felt a light tickle on the bottom of my right foot just beneath my big toe. I also felt an ache (not painful) in my left shin. As you mentioned you would be working on the head and hands, that's where I was anticipating to feel things so was surprised to feel it elsewhere. At the end my daughter woke from her nap and I had to get up so I'm not sure if you were finished, but when I stood up and began to step away from my bed, I felt really light, almost like I was floating. This stood out for me because I have had pelvic joint pain all year since my daughter was born and it usually hurts to get up out of bed. My pelvis has not ached since the attunement! I came down with a sore throat and a cold yesterday so I hope that has not affected anything. I must note though that my throat is feeling alot better and I'm feeling quite well now this afternoon. Kushla, I know I've said it before but I think you have an amazing talent!!
I am absolutely fascinated by Reiki and am keen to learn more. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity"
Lynette Wilkinson
"I felt a warmth in my hands and a pressure on my right palm, like someone was holding my hand? I felt VERY calm and peaceful and then all at once I had a rush of positive affirmations going through my head, it was full on for a few minutes!!! I haven't felt that peaceful for a very long time!
I then put my hands on my head and on my heart, and then I saw your email about how to place your hands on yourself!! I was glad to know I had done it right. So it’s been about 2 hours since and now I feel sleepy, but good. Thank you so much for choosing me and giving me the chance to get my thoughts into shape!! Haha Big hugs"
Lisa Williams
"I tried to lay down and relax and about 5 minutes into it, my lips and around my mouth started tingling - a weird sensation I have never had before. Then about five minutes later my eyes were flickering and it was like I was seeing bright lights and colours - does this sound strange to you??
In any case it was extremely enjoyable and I would love to learn more about the whole process please. Thank you"
Raine Smith
"Well i can only say WOW...
I lay on my bed so I was away from noise and the everyday goings on in my house.
At first I felt tingles through my hands - then I felt as though my hands were being held.
I then had a feeling of warmth tingle through my body from top to bottom and back up again.
Afterwards I lay my hands on my stomach. Throughout the day I can only describe inner peace - after a bad week - I welcomed this. I felt a niggly knot in my stomach - which I am hoping was something from this attunement - as it was exactly where I had laid my hands.
I am truly in awe from this attunement and can’t wait for the next step on my journey"
Jo Ellard
"On saturday I had a distant Reiki attunement from Miss Kush. I was unsure what to expect and as I have a pretty hectic life and didn't know if it would even work coz having 10 - 15 mins of peace and quiet on my own is a rarity! Anyway when Kush text me to say she was starting in 15 mins I was watching my daughter do triple jump in the middle of 100's of people at little athletics, and had been suffering from major back pain all morning!! I watched her first jump then headed to the toilets for my "peace & quiet" ( I might add sitting in a public loo is not really 'peace and quiet') anyway as I started to walk over there I went all funny from head to toe, vision blurred a little and actually felt a little queasy! Got to the toilets, grabbed the end cubicle shut the door and sat down, I closed my eyes and covered my ears and everything went dark and quiet for a few minutes! After that the reality set in and I had to leave, as I walked back to the triple jump pit I felt sharp pains running up my back (briefly ), really thirsty then had a craving for a hamburger. Within 10 mins my back pain was gone and I was extremely hungry and feeling pretty good! When we left we bought food went home and lay in bed for 10 mins, when i got up i felt amazing, happy and full of life! Then I took my daughter to a birthday party, she didn't feel well so we left early! When we came home we both lay on the bed and cuddled, next thing i knew it was 2 hours later! We'd both had a major sleep, all that good energy must have flowed into her too. In the past few days I have felt amazing, in the best mood, sleeping well and not so tired. Back pain has returned but I believe that's a result of hard work and a medical condition. So I'd just like thank Kushla and look forward to reading the feedback of others!"
Erin Fynn
"I laid down first at 1.57pm here. I put this CD I have its called Great Spirit, the first track is called The Calling. I love it so I lay down and felt quite emotional and I said thank you. I then was told to sit up, feet on ground, quite firm. hahaha. So I did what I was told. I then felt my whole face become hot and my hands were on fire for a short while. Then felt that I had something dangling in front of my 3rd Eye, it looked like a wand but old type, can’t really explain it. Then had these 2 eyes, they didn’t look human though, but sweet and cute if that makes sense. It was a bit weird at first, and I felt like I should open my eyes, but told to trust, so I did. Then it was just calm, felt like all my emotions of feeling unreal in this world, not the way it seems.
I feel a bit like not here, so I am going outside to put my feet in my dirt. I went outside with my crystal, my sacred turtle I call it. hahaha Thank you! Over weekend I will write a testimonial because you just are the best. Thank you for giving me something you got hun. It has made me feel I belong"
Margaret Ioannidis – Reiki Master
"I received my distance attunement to Reiki 1 from Kushla recently. Having already been attuned by another Reiki Master i knew it would be especially interesting to see what effects that it would have on me. Because of the time difference between us, i was actually asleep when the attunement took place, so of course a few epic dreams happened! ;o) I woke up the next day feeling energised and happy, ready to face the world so to speak. I read through an email from Kushla, and was most intrigued to find out that she had had a sore throat throughout my attunement. This is particularly interesting/accurate, as i'm a professional singer, and have had vocal problems for the whole of this year, brought on by psychological stress. Kushla had obviously picked up on this during the session. Throughout the day i felt the familiar sensation of Reiki energy that i had felt in my previous attunement, and it gave me a warm sense of happiness and well being. I now look forward to seeing what the "cleansing period" will bring and will certainly untertake the next few attunements if Kushla is up for it!"
Stacey Kitson - Reiki Master
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